Hello, I’m Bartosz.
Software Engineer
and Data Scientist

I specialize in building web applications.

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About me

I'm an engineer with a passion for developing new solutions and improving existing ones. During my career I worked on developing solutions ranging from embedded systems for 5G networks through mobile apps to a machine learning prototype for a hospital. For past 2 years I have focused on building web apps.

Apr 2023 - Present
Chief Technology Officer
iimpcoll AB
Aug 2022 - Nov 2022
Entrepreneur in residence
Oct 2021 - Jul 2022
Product Manager for Machine Learning project
Knowit Connectivity
Nov 2019 - Jul 2022
Innovation Leader
Knowit Connectivity
Oct 2021 - Jul 2022
Product Manager for Machine Learning project
Knowit Connectivity
Dec 2019 - Dec 2021
Co-founder and Mobile App developer (part time)
Sep 2017 - Nov 2019
Scrum Master and Software Engineer (Assignment for Ericsson)
Jun 2016 - Sep 2017
Software Engineer (Assignment for Ericsson)
Jul 2015 - Apr 2016
Junior Engineer
C.I.T. Solution in Motion
Dec 2012 - Jun 2014
Key Account Manager Assistant
Siemens Polska Sp. z o.o.


9+ years of experience working with companies from Sweden and Poland. I design & develop digital products to help businesses and improve people's lives.

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Selected Clients & Works

Website for iimpcoll AB

Developed a website in Vue(TS) that was meant to spread company message and rank high in Search Engines. Then connected the website to Strapi CMS to publish content. Prepared how all the content is being displayed. Connected to Google Tag Manager and Hotjar for tracking visitors actions. Lastly I optimized how pages are being loaded to achieve good performance score. We achieved the goal and the website was ranked high for certain keywords Google leading to thousands of visitors per month.


Machine Learning prototype for a hospital

One of Sweden's leading hospitals reached out to us to build a prototype for process automation. Together with a team of 4 Data Scientists I prepared a prototype concept and delivery plan that got approved by client! We developed the prototype in which we combined computer vision, machine learning and web app. We also had to cooperate closely with personnel at the hospital in order to gather training data. We achieved promising results! The project was done between October 2021 and July 2022.

Covid19 Climate action website

I was acting as a Product Owner and main responsible person in this fantastic project. During just 2 weeks in 11 persons virtual team spreading across 3 countries we developed and deployed a website. The website gathered examples of sustainable solutions that are already implemented. The goal of it was to inspire the websites visitors. The project was done in April 2020.

Covid19 Climate action website
Base Station AR visualization for a telecom customer

Base Station AR visualization for a telecom customer

Cybercom's customer at Ericsson required to present their new Base Station model on different type of fairs and events. It was not always possible for them to carry their demo equipment with them, so they needed some more virtual solution to it. I acted as Product Owner for this project. The team consisted of 3 other people spread across Sweden and Finland. The project was done during autumn/winter 2019/2020.
LinkedIn Post with video

Meal Plannig - a new approach

Together with a group of enthusiast I develop an application that is meant to make it easier for us to plan our weekly meals and smoothen the weekly grocery shopping process. In big picture, it's meant to motivate us and our fellow citizens to plan their weekly meals and reduce their food waste and amount of times they travel to stores. It's meant to start small and as for now it's still our free time project that we do for fun and learning. In the beginning I was responsible for UX and potential future Business Model of the application. Later on I learnt the Android development and did a refactor of the application and wrote tests. I implemented user login and preferences flows. We worked on the project between December 2019 and December 2021. Currently the project is on pause.

Meal Plannig - a new approach
Meal Plannig - a new approach

DevOps Assignment

I got opportunity to work as a scrum master and developer in a DevOps team of 9 people. The assignment proved to be a challenge, as we were managing a DevOps system consisting of 200+ servers and 200+ testing rigs. There were also more than 200 developers pushing their code to that particular repo. It was a great growth journey for whole team. Despite the challenging and truly high tempo nature of our work, nobody left the team for almost 2 years. I worked on this assignment from September 2017 to November 2019.

memoAR - a startup's Proof of Concept

Cybercom approached KTH Innovation to speak about potential cooperation possibilities They connected us with one of their startups - memoAR , that wanted to help people suffering from dementia and alzheimer. Their idea was to use latest AR technology to improve life quality of patients. I was Product Owner and main responsible for managing stakeholders and coordinating teams efforts. The project was done during Spring 2017.

memoAR - a startup's Proof of Concept


Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Bachelor of Control Automation and Robotics, Electronics Faculty
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Exchange year on Erasmus programme, part of my Mechatronics studies
Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Master of Mechatronics, Electronics Faculty